Let Someone In... And Show Someone the Door.


Often reaching out for help can be the hardest step. Sharing our emotions with others, especially when our emotions are very negative, requires vulnerability on our part.


And sure, we don’t want to overshare with people that haven’t established a positive track record. There are some people who won’t have your best interests at heart.


In fact, right now, there may be people in your life who suck your energy and who create turmoil in your heart. Sometimes these people aren’t bad or evil, but when we allow them our time and energy, they have a negative effect on our mood and actions. Show these people the door by spending less and less time with them. Don’t answer their phone calls and stop making plans to visit with them or do things for them. You can calmly let them know you are focusing on yourself if they are angry or upset at the changes you are making. If anyone had treated you in a way that is abusive, you do not owe him or her an explanation- just get out!


However, seek out those who have been there for you in the past, who have healthy and positive lifestyles, and who have earned your trust- and really let them in!


 One of depression and anxiety’s biggest lies is that it is not safe to be vulnerable- or that by being vulnerable, we become a burden on our loved ones. But nothing can be further from the truth! We need to identify who is safe to be vulnerable around and act accordingly. Once we do that we can know: our loved ones want to be there for us during our hard times. Has a friend ever confided in you? That confidence showed that they felt you are a trustworthy and caring friend, which in turn probably made you feel like a trustworthy and caring person. Your friend reaching out to you not only had the benefit of helping them, but it helped you feel needed and valued as well.


We take away from our loved ones when we don’t allow them to be there for us. And when we open up to our trusted loved ones, we benefit from the support and accountability that they provide.