This time of year can be so joyous, and celebrating with loved ones is normally the best part. THIS year, however, has me reflecting on ALL the varied, bizarre, and often tragic difficulties of 2020. This year will not be your stereotypical holiday. We have faced grave national challenges, and continue to endure a global pandemic. At various times throughout 2020, we have all felt sadness, grief, anger, and fear.
During these moments, I am happy to remember a message from Mr. Rogers, who was one of the very first great virtual teachers. He said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'look for the helpers'. You will always find people who are helping.”
What a grounding message.
I see so many helpers right now, and I want to express my unending gratitude.
I'm so deeply appreciative of our healthcare workers, who valiantly risk their own wellbeing to heal and comfort those affected by this virus. Your contribution is tremendous; we can never fully repay you. Thank you.
I am deeply appreciative of our teachers, who have had to pivot with every new decision, and yet work tirelessly and creatively to make school- whether in person or virtual- a warm and safe place for our children. Thank you.
I'm deeply appreciative of essential workers, including retail, food service, and delivery workers. Without them, the needs of the public would not be met. Thank you.
I’m deeply appreciate of many, many other important helpers who live quietly in our background, such as our neighbors, advocates, and good samaritans whose deeds may go unseen, yet resonate through all our lives. Thank you.
I'm deeply appreciative of my staff at LexCounseling, and the ways we each utilize our individual talents to support one another in our complex yet rewarding work. Thank you.
I'm also honored to humbly identify as a helper too- although I have the great privilege of working online, and have no experience with the bravery and sacrifice of the front line heroes who are physically exposed to the virus. Yet, to be able to be of help; to be able to contribute, in some small way; to support my clients as we journey alongside one another through this "new normal"- this is the great privilege of my life. I am honored, and awed, to witness the resilience of the human spirit each day through my work. I humbly thank my clients for allowing me to be a part of their lives.
I am deeply appreciative of our clients at LexCounseling, who are brave enough to seek the helper within, even during these tumultuous times. Our clients courageously pursue healing and growth from mental illness, trauma, and more- and as a result of that pursuit, our clients will go on to contribute to the larger healing of the world. Thank you.
I thank everyone reading this. May we continue to express our gratitude to one another, find ways to contribute, and help one another. Keeping looking for the helpers, and remember to extend what help you can to others- while continuing to take care of yourself.
We will get through this together.