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Top 5 Ways to Fight Depression Series, Day 2: Fulfill Your Purpose

Another lie depression and anxiety whispers (or screams) at us is that our life is meaningless, and that we are unable to contribute anything worthwhile. But again, this is not true. You have a purpose you are meant to fulfill, a purpose that will bring joy to your life and benefit to those around you.


What do you believe your purpose could be? If you are not sure, ask yourself the following questions:


  • What issues do you feel strongly about?
  • What are your gifts/talents?
  • What are the best compliments you have received from others?
  • When you felt the happiest in your life? 
  • What was your daily routine like at at that time?
  • What kind of people were you surrounded by?


Write out the answers to these questions.

For each answer, brainstorm a corresponding action and set a deadline. 

For example, if you feel strongly about animal welfare, a corresponding action could be volunteering at a shelter, raising funds for an animal rights group, or adopting a pet- and setting a deadline to act on one of these options  by Tuesday of next week.

If one of your happiest memories was taking swimming lessons as a child, a corresponding action could be joining a local pool and committing to swimming three times a week, and scheduling the days and times into your calendar.

Some of our purpose is to serve others, and some of our purpose is to pursue our own wellness. Yet it is not enough to know your purpose- you must take daily action to fulfill your purpose! And small steps are fine! Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good- just get started.

What are your passions, talents, and purposes? What drives your life in the most meaningful ways? As always, feel free to comment below, share, and discuss. Then get going!